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Text File | 1994-06-08 | 43.5 KB | 1,255 lines |
- Info-Mac Digest Mon, 4 Oct 93 Volume 11 : Issue 196
- Today's Topics:
- [*] DeskTape 1.6 demonstration version
- [*] DragAnyWindow 3.0
- [*] FaberZooms 1.1.1
- [*] known-users.hqx
- [*] Latest release of Switchback!
- [*] Network Time 2.0.1 - French
- [*] Network Time 2.0.1 - Netherlands
- [*] ParticleMan1.0.sea.hqx
- [*] personal-press-20-to-201-updt.hqx
- [*] speak-text-files.hqx
- [*] Star Trek TNG StartupScreen
- [*] strip-mac-23.hqx
- [*] trash-emptier.hqx
- [*] truss-demo-30-bw.hqx
- .
- [Q] CDs not ejecting -- "being shared"?
- Adding an ethernet segment--how?
- Apple drops LC520
- Apple reccoments no "." before names? (A) (2 msgs)
- AppleTalk 57.x -> 58.x (Q)
- Automated FTP
- BackSplash request
- Can't get rid of folder
- CDs not ejecting -- "being shared"? (A)
- CDs not ejecting -- "being shared"? [R]
- Centris 660AV video-IO hardware (A)
- Centris 660av Virtual Memory Problem
- DeskWriter paper (A)
- Ejecting shared CD
- GeoPort a Mixed Bag
- Getting on the internet.
- HP LW8.0 versus 4.0
- LaserWiter 8.1 driver
- Looking for "elementary school hand printing" font for Macintosh
- Looking for Appletalk message sender/receiver
- Mac 128K is sick (Q)
- modem disconnect problems (Q)
- Modems waking up Macs-possible (A)
- Opinions on Software Study aids for the S.A.T.?
- Pagemaker 4.2
- Performa, comm progs
- Powering on your Mac remotely
- Sound WANTED
- Teaching Materials for Molecular Biology Available? (2 msgs)
- Util to disable AfterDark while Zterm is running (C)
- Voyager
- VT 240 Emulator Anyone?
- The Info-Mac newsgroup is moderated by Bill Lipa and Gordon Watts.
- The Info-Mac archives are available (by using FTP, account anonymous,
- any password) in the info-mac directory on sumex-aim.stanford.edu
- []. Help files and indices are in /info-mac/help.
- Please send articles and binaries to info-mac@sumex-aim.stanford.edu.
- Send administrative mail to info-mac-request@sumex-aim.stanford.edu.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- Date: Thu, 30 Sep 93 14:24:55 PDT
- From: kallista@netcom.com (Christopher Barrus)
- Subject: [*] DeskTape 1.6 demonstration version
- Attached with this mail message is a demonstration version of DeskTape
- 1.6, a CDEV which will allow you to mount a 4mm DAT or 8mm Exabyte
- tape on the Mac desktop. The demonstration version limits formatted
- tape sizes to only 40MB. A full installation of DeskTape can allow
- you access up to the 2GB allowed to you by the current Mac Finder.
- DeskTape is published by:
- Optima Technology
- 17526 Von Karman
- Irvine, CA 92714
- 714/476-0515
- 714/476-0613 FAX
- AppleLink: OPTIMA
- Internet: optima@applelink.apple.com
- By way of disclaimer I do work for Optima Technology as a Macintosh R
- & D specialist, but this posting as with all postings made from this
- account is made on my own behalf and not in any kind of official
- capacity.
- Chris Barrus
- kallista@netcom.com
- [Archived as /info-mac/disk/desk-tape-16-demo.hqx; 120K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: Thu, 30 Sep 93 14:01:39 +0100
- From: simula3@di.unito.it (Alex Rodella)
- Subject: [*] DragAnyWindow 3.0
- DragAnyWindow is a control panel that allows you to easily
- move any kind of window, including dialogs, alerts, standard
- "Open" and "Save" dialogs, game windows and other
- non-movable windows.
- Version 3.0 adds the capability of centering the window
- on the screen.
- Author: Alessandro Levi Montalcini
- [Archived as /info-mac/gui/drag-any-window-30.hqx; 17K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: Thu, 30 Sep 93 13:55:19 +0100
- From: simula3@di.unito.it (Alex Rodella)
- Subject: [*] FaberZooms 1.1.1
- Enclosed is a Darkside 4.1 module which displays zooming
- rectangles (in color if you have a color-capable Mac)
- all over your screen(s).
- Now you may play a sound while the rectangle moves.
- This fader is FREE! Enjoy.
- Fabrizio Oddone
- [Archived as /info-mac/gui/darkside-faber-zooms-111.hqx; 11K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: Fri, 1 Oct 93 8:08:05 PDT
- From: macmod (Info-Mac Moderator)
- Subject: [*] known-users.hqx
- From: Kevin Savetz <savetz@bolero.rahul.net>
- Message-Id: <199310011318.AA26691@bolero.rahul.net>
- Subject: Known Users archive 1.6
- To: macgifts@mac.archive.umich.edu (macgifts)
- Date: Fri, 1 Oct 1993 06:18:40 -0700 (PDT)
- Cc: doug@garnet.msen.com
- Mime-Version: 1.0
- Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII
- Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
- Content-Length: 707273
- This Hypercard stack is an archive of back issues of Known Users, the monthly
- newsletter of the Sequoia Macintosh Users Group, located in Humboldt County,
- California. Is most cases, the stack contains the full article text, which can
- be read onscreen or printed.
- The stack contains reviews, columns, and tips on a plethora of subjects. You
- can
- search by keyword, article title or author, or just browse. You may reprint
- most articles for your newsletter (with restrictions, see the stack for
- details)
- or use our articles as ideas for articles of your own.
- This is verison 1.6 of the stack. It contains articles printed from 1/87
- through
- 9/93. Contact Kevin Savetz (Internet: "savetz@rahul.net"; America Online:
- "Savetz"; SMUGgler's BBS as himself) for questions or feedback.
- [Archived as /info-mac/per/known-users.hqx; 691K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: Fri, 1 Oct 1993 12:28:08 +0000
- From: jeff@otago.ac.nz (Jeff Home)
- Subject: [*] Latest release of Switchback!
- What is SwitchBack?
- SwitchBack is a utility program that synchronises two folders, so that both
- folders have a copy of the most recent version of their files. The two
- folders can reside on the same volume, on two different volumes, or indeed
- on two different computers connected by a network.
- It has been designed principally for those people with two computers
- (especially desktop and PowerBook) who need to ensure that they have the
- most recent version of their documents available to them.
- It also functions well as a simple backup utility for people with one
- computer. For example, a folder residing on your main hard disk can be
- linked to a folder residing on a floppy disk.
- How to contact us via email
- davpayne@rivendell.otago.ac.nz
- jeff@gandalf.otago.ac.nz
- glenn@rivendell.otago.ac.nz
- What this archive contains.
- SwitchBack 2.1
- SwitchBack Help
- Read Me (this document)
- Registration Form
- Version History
- [Archived as /info-mac/disk/switchback-21.hqx; 127K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: Fri, 1 Oct 93 3:12:05 CDT
- From: Pete Resnick <resnick@cogsci.uiuc.edu>
- Subject: [*] Network Time 2.0.1 - French
- [Network Time 2.0.1 - French translation]
- Network Time est un tableau de bord qui regle l'horloge de votre Macintosh
- a l'heure exacte. Pour ce faire, Network Time contacte un serveur d'horloge
- reseau au moyen du pilote logiciel MacTCP d'Apple afin d'obtenir l'heure
- exacte. Network Time regle automatiquement l'horloge en tenant compte du
- fuseau horaire et des regles que vous avez fixees pour l'heure d'ete au
- moyen du tableau de bord Network Time.
- Network Time requiert au moins un Macintosh Plus avec le systeme 6.0.5 ou
- posterieur (Systeme 7 compris), ainsi que la version 1.1 de MacTCP ou
- posterieure. Network Time utilise parfaitement les bulles d'aide. Des
- versions de Network Time sont disponibles par ailleurs en langues
- etrangeres. Pour le moment, sont disponibles ou en cours de developpement
- les versions allemande, anglaise, chinoise, espagnole, japonaise,
- neerlandaise, russe et suedoise.
- L'ensemble original est de langue anglaise et comprend un manuel QuickStart
- avec les instructions de base, sous forme de document TeachText. Le manuel
- complet de Network Time est fourni sous forme de document MacWrite Pro. Le
- manuel est disponible aussi en format PostScript dans un document separe.
- Une copie imprimee du manuel peut etre obtenue aupres de l'auteur.
- Network Time est un logiciel a cout partage. Veuillez envoyer 5 USD par
- copie ou 100 USD pour 100 copies de Network Time, et 5 USD par manuel
- imprime (avec toute question ou commentaire) a:
- Pete Resnick
- 1009 North Busey Avenue
- Urbana, IL 61801 (USA)
- (217)337-1905
- Vous pouvez aussi envoyer du courrier electronique via l'Internet a:
- resnick@cogsci.uiuc.edu.
- (Traduction: J.P. Kuypers <Kuypers@sri.ucl.ac.be> 20 septembre 1993)
- [Archived as /info-mac/comm/net/network-time-201-fr.hqx; 74K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: Fri, 1 Oct 93 3:12:35 CDT
- From: Pete Resnick <resnick@cogsci.uiuc.edu>
- Subject: [*] Network Time 2.0.1 - Netherlands
- [Network Time 2.0.1 - Netherlands translation]
- Network Time is een regelpaneel toepassing dat de klok van je Macintosh
- computer instelt op de juiste tijd. Network Time doet dit door contact
- op te nemen met een tijdserver m.b.v. de Apple MacTCP netwerk software
- en de juiste tijd op te vragen. Network Time past automatisch de klok
- aan door rekening te houden met de tijdzone en de zomertijd regels
- zoals je instelt in het Network Time regelpaneel.
- Network Time heeft minimaal een Macintosh Plus computer nodig met
- systeem software versie 6.0.5 of later (inclusief System 7) en vereist
- MacTCP versie 1.1 of later. Network Time heeft volledige Ballon Help
- ondersteuning. Vertaalde versies van Network Time zijn apart
- beschikbaar; de versies die nu of binnenkort beschikbaar komen zijn
- Chinees, Frans, Duits, Japans, Nederlands, Russisch, Spaans en Zweeds.
- De "QuickStart" handleiding met algemene instructies in LeerTekst
- formaat en de volledige Network Time handleiding is beschikbaar in
- MacWrite Pro formaat bij de Engelse versie. De handleiding is ook
- beschikbaar in PostScript formaat in een apart pakket, en een gedrukt
- exemplaar kan bij de auteur verkregen worden.
- Network Time is een shareware programma. Zend alstublieft US$5 per
- kopie of US$100 per 100 kopieen van Network Time, en US$5 per gedrukte
- handleiding (samen met mogelijke vragen en opmerkingen) naar:
- Pete Resnick
- 1009 North Busey Avenue
- Urbana, IL 61801
- United States of America
- (217)337-1905
- Je kan ook elektronische post zenden via Internet naar:
- resnick@cogsci.uiuc.edu.
- (Nederlandse vertaling door: Rene G.A. Ros <rgaros@bio.vu.nl>)
- [Archived as /info-mac/comm/net/network-time-201-nd.hqx; 74K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: Thu, 30 Sep 1993 15:31:50 -0700
- From: bosch@smiteo.esd.sgi.com (Derek Bosch)
- Subject: [*] ParticleMan1.0.sea.hqx
- This file is a demo version of ParticleMan, a shareware game, requiring
- System 7, Color Quickdraw, and a screen w/ at least 16 colors/shades.
- It is loosely based on the old Apple II program, Short Circuit.
- [Archived as /info-mac/game/arc/particle-man-10-demo.hqx; 193K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: Fri, 1 Oct 93 8:07:50 PDT
- From: macmod (Info-Mac Moderator)
- Subject: [*] personal-press-20-to-201-updt.hqx
- (5.65c/IDA-1.4.4 for macgifts@mac.archive.umich.edu); Fri, 1 Oct 1993 06:22:53
- -0700
- From: Kevin Savetz <savetz@bolero.rahul.net>
- Message-Id: <199310011322.AA26737@bolero.rahul.net>
- Subject: Personal Press 2.01 update
- To: macgifts@mac.archive.umich.edu (macgifts)
- Date: Fri, 1 Oct 1993 06:22:51 -0700 (PDT)
- Mime-Version: 1.0
- Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII
- Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
- Content-Length: 939846
- This file updates Aldus' Personal Press from version 2.0 to version 2.01.
- It contains various bug-fixes and enhancements. I can't find the sheet
- listing them...
- I am not affiliated with Aldus.
- -Kevin Savetz
- [Archived as /info-mac/app/personal-press-20-to-201-updt.hqx; 918K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: Fri, 1 Oct 93 14:59 MET
- From: dat93rli@ludat.lth.se (Rune Lindman)
- Subject: [*] speak-text-files.hqx
- SpeakTextFiles1.0.1 by Rune Lindman 25 sept 1993.
- A simple utility that allows you to drop text files and have them spoken.
- If the stdTTS extension is installed you can change voice, rate, pitch and
- modulation.
- [Archived as /info-mac/snd/util/speak-text-files.hqx; 33K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: Thu, 30 Sep 1993 23:58:47 -0400 (EDT)
- From: Kevin R Lesniewicz <kev@world.std.com>
- Subject: [*] Star Trek TNG StartupScreen
- Star Trek-TNG Startup Screen (8-bit color):
- I captured this from a Paramount promo using a consumer VHS deck with the
- Movie Movie video capture board. After some minor retouching and conversion
- to 256 colors, I think the image quality held up well. Let me know
- what you think. Don't forget you can use this as a desktop picture too.
- Enjoy!
- -kevin l. <kevin@mcet.edu>
- [Archived as /info-mac/grf/star-trek-tng-8bc.hqx; 220K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: Fri, 1 Oct 93 10:09:33 PDT
- From: backmod (Info-Mac Moderator)
- Subject: [*] strip-mac-23.hqx
- Date: Fri, 01 Oct 1993 10:26:36 +0800
- From: North_TJ@cc.curtin.edu.au
- Subject: Strip-Mac! 2.3 (an adult party game)
- Sender: TIM NORTH <TNORTHTJ@cc.curtin.edu.au>
- To: info-mac@sumex-aim.stanford.edu
- Message-Id: <01H3LFFDLACIIXQI1K@cc.curtin.edu.au>
- X-Envelope-To: info-mac@sumex-aim.stanford.edu
- X-Vms-To: IN::"info-mac@sumex-aim.stanford.edu"
- Mime-Version: 1.0
- Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7BIT
- Resent-To: backmod@SUMEX-AIM.Stanford.EDU
- Resent-Date: Fri, 1 Oct 1993 0:10:03 PDT
- Resent-From: Info-Mac Moderator <macmod@sumex-aim.Stanford.EDU>
- Here is version 2.3 of Strip-Mac!, with its new look and suport for
- Apple's Speech Manager.
- A quick outline of the game: Strip-Mac! is a risque, computer-moderated
- party game for adults. Briefly, the game plays as follows. Players take turns
- in drawing a playing card from the deck. If a player fails to turn up an
- appropriate card then s/he must choose between options that include:
- (a) removing a piece of clothing;
- (b) taking a 'punishment'; and
- (c) purchasing a 'reward'.
- Play continues until one or all players are naked. What happens next is up to
- you. :-)
- Cheers,
- Tim North.
- [Archived as /info-mac/game/crd/strip-mac-23.hqx; 191K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: Fri, 1 Oct 93 09:40:23 +0100
- From: "J. Rossi" <jr10@leicester.ac.uk>
- Subject: [*] trash-emptier.hqx
- I'm uploading this for a friend without Internet access.
- The Compact Pro archive contains both English and French versions
- This is an abstract of the readme file:
- TrashEmptier is a 'drag and drop' utility that works only if
- you are running System 7. To use it, you have to drag a disk,
- file or folder over its icon. Trying to open 1TrashEmptier by
- double-clicking it will only bring its 'AboutI' box.
- The application has two purposes: it can selectively empty the
- Trash of one volume, and it can delete files and folders without
- using the Finder's Trash.
- The action of 1TrashEmptier depends on the nature of the icon that
- you drag over it: disk, folder or file (document or application).
- All comments are welcome.
- Pre Vincent
- CalvaCom : TM33
- Internet : TM33@Calvacom.fr
- --------------------------------------------
- [Archived as /info-mac/disk/trash-emptier.hqx; 54K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: Fri, 1 Oct 93 09:11:36 -0500
- From: dandashl@ecn.purdue.edu (Hussam A Dandashli)
- Subject: [*] truss-demo-30-bw.hqx
- TrussDemo 3.0 BW
- Truss Analysis and Visualization is a program for the force analysis of planar
- trusses and the
- visualizations of the results. The demo is limited to 4 nodes, otherwise
- everything else is
- enabled. This version uses patterns and colors to enable the use of this
- software on a B/W screen.
- (It still needs Color QuickDraw to be installed).
- The program allows the user to
- * Create a new truss design or use an existing preloaded truss.
- * Alter the geometry of an existing truss design through moving the joint
- locations or by the
- addition/removal of truss members, truss supports or truss joints.
- * Alter the loading on an existing truss.
- * Produce free body diagrams of the entire truss or for selected pins.
- * Produce a pattern/color graphical display of the load carried by the
- individual
- members with the pattern/color of the member denoting tension/compression and
- the magnitude
- of the load.
- I am asking $15 for the complete version. Orders and bug reports should be
- sent
- to
- Hussam Dandashli
- e-mail-> dandashl@mn.ecn.purdue.edu
- Thank you for trying Truss 3.0/BW
- [Archived as /info-mac/sci/truss-demo-30-bw.hqx; 161K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: Fri, 1 Oct 93 7:46:47 CDT
- From: conradej@clkwrk.boeing.com
- Subject: .
- Hi all,
- I have 3 quick questions.
- 1. I saw a while back that there is a
- powerbook mailing list/digest. Does
- anyone have the information handy? I
- can't seem to find it.
- 2. I may be buying a powerbook in the
- near future and would appreciate
- any comments people have - what one
- is the best, where I can find more
- info on model specs, etc.
- 3. I am also looking into buying a scanner.
- I would like to know if anyone has had
- good or bad luck with any particular
- model. Preferably color/flatbed.
- Please respond directly and I can summarize
- if there is enough interest.
- -John :)
- conradej@clkwrk.boeing.com
- ------------------------------
- Date: Fri, 1 Oct 1993 20:22:43 -0400
- From: mxh160@psu.edu (Matt X. Herbison)
- Subject: [Q] CDs not ejecting -- "being shared"?
- > We have a couple of CD-ROM drives on our LocalTalk network in our building
- >(an Apple CD300 and a PowerUser PRO). On each such machine, we sometimes
- >have trouble ejecting the CDs, with a prompt indicating that "CD could not
- >be ejected, since it is being shared." However, no user on the network had
- >accessed the CDs (or even the machines to which they were connected); we
- >have
- >to shut off File Sharing in order to be able to eject the CDs.
- > Has anyone else experienced anything similar? Is this a glitch in
- >AppleShare?? Or do we have some other conflict? (we've seen the same
- >problem with each CD-ROM drive, despite their different manufacturers)
- > Thanx!
- It happens to everyone. Get the shareware "UnmountIt" from
- /info-mac/disk/UnmountIt. It will turn off File Sharing, unmount the
- volume, then turn File Sharing back on. A more complete explanation is in
- MacWorld, October 1993, page 152.
- -Matt X. Herbison :) -Penn State University
- -mxh160@psu.edu
- ------------------------------
- Date: Fri, 1 Oct 93 11:55:46 -0400
- From: Brian K. Kobleur <wk01803@worldlink.com>
- Subject: Adding an ethernet segment--how?
- Can someone explain the basics of adding an ethernet segment to our
- (sprawling) LocalTalk LAN? We are already using Apple's Internet Router as a
- bridge for a WAN made up of three LANs, so I know we can use it to route
- EtherTalk to LocalTalk...but what are the specifics? What else do I need?
- Thanks!
- Brian
- ------------------------------
- Date: Fri, 1 Oct 93 11:27:04 CDT
- From: umdenbo0@CC.UManitoba.CA
- Subject: Apple drops LC520
- My friend, you have been ill-informed.
- The LC520 is currently the hottest seller in Canada (over ALL other computers)
- and is NOT being dropped. Your salesthing may have told you that so you
- would buy a newer higher margin (and in-stock) item.
- It is still on the price list effective two days ago, and is not included in
- the list of items taken off the most recent price list.
- What is gone though is the LC2 and Classic II. Who cares!
- Proud owner of an Apple Macintosh Centris 660AV.
- --
- David A. denBoer
- umdenbo0@CC.UManitoba.CA
- Manitoba Macintosh Developers Assn
- ------------------------------
- Date: Fri, 1 Oct 1993 01:07:15 -0800
- From: schuyler@netcom.com (Gabriel M. Schuyler)
- Subject: Apple reccoments no "." before names? (A)
- They reccomend that you don't use a dot at the beginning of a name because
- that's how device drivers are named. If you really look around, you can
- sometimes see one in there for a hard drive or something.
- I've actually had trouble with this before. Sporatic problems with my hard
- drive and I talked with tech support at APDA and they couldn't figure it
- out until we found that the files I had with a . at the beginning were
- being scanned by the system as device drivers and messing things up.
- -Gabe Schuyler (schuyler@netcom.com)
- ------------------------------
- Date: Fri, 1 Oct 93 08:01:58 PDT
- From: Robert Lenoil <lenoil@catalogic.com>
- Subject: Apple reccoments no "." before names? (A)
- On the Macintosh, device driver names all begin with a dot (.). The standard
- operating system "Open" call for opening files is also used for opening
- device drivers. Thus, if you create a file with the same name as a device
- driver (.SONY, .AIn, .AOut, and many others) most programs will open the
- device driver instead of the file, with disastrous results. I say most
- programs because system 7 introduced a version of the open call that only
- opens
- files; programs that use that call cannot accidentally open device drivers and
- therefore have no problem with file names beginning with "."
- Robert Lenoil
- ------------------------------
- Date: Fri, 01 Oct 93 09:08:33 LCL
- From: ZOOEY%SUVM.BITNET@Forsythe.Stanford.EDU
- Subject: AppleTalk 57.x -> 58.x (Q)
- I am trying to install MacTCP on a Quadra 800 running under System 7.1 --
- the system that was installed. The MacTCP installer wants me to install
- Appletalk 58.0 first. When I use the provided disk to do this and reboot,
- I get through the happy Mac, init icons, and it stops while creating the
- menu (blank white strip without menues). The cursor moves, but there is
- no response from keyboard commands (e.g. opt-com-esc to quit someting).
- I have tried to reboot without inits, but it did not matter. The disks
- are from a just shipped Apple MacTCP box.
- What do I do to get my AppleTalk upgraded from 57.x to 58.0? Where is
- AppleTalk located?
- This is the first time that the Installer has given me trouble that I could
- not work around using the customize option. The Black Box can sure be
- frustrating. The documentation, as normal, does not discuss problems!
- ------------------------------
- Date: Fri, 1 Oct 1993 19:01:34 -0500 (CDT)
- From: Neil Eric Mickelson <nem52463@uxa.cso.uiuc.edu>
- Subject: Automated FTP
- Greetings and Salutations!
- I keep reading in the digest every now and then of people "scripting" their
- downloads from the archives. They do this from the digest issues somehow...
- my question is, HOW? If someone could reply to this, it would be much
- appreciated.
- Thanks a lot!
- Neil E. Mickelson
- n-mickelson@uiuc.edu
- ------------------------------
- Date: Sat, 2 Oct 93 07:42:02 CDT
- From: covert@cactus.org (Richard Covert)
- Subject: BackSplash request
- Does anyone know where I can get a copy of the BackSplash
- shareware program? Could someone please post it to
- sumex? BackSplash displays PICTs on your desktop at bootup I believe.
- TIA.
- ------------------------------
- Date: Fri, 1 Oct 1993 17:49:14 -1000
- From: "Frederick Bingham" <bingham@iniki.soest.hawaii.edu>
- Subject: Can't get rid of folder
- I am having trouble getting rid of a folder. It is called "???Move &
- Rename" where ? is a box -like character. It is not visible from the
- finder, so I cannot drag it to the trash, but it appears in find file
- dialogs in several other applications. It does not appear to contain any
- files. Can anyone please help me to make this visible so I can get rid of
- it. I'm running a Mac LCII with several miscellaneous extensions. I think
- this extraneous folder appeared as a result of trying out some shareware
- program or other.
- Fred
- ------------------------------
- Date: Fri, 1 Oct 1993 11:29:00 PDT
- From: Kee Nethery <kee@aol.com>
- Subject: CDs not ejecting -- "being shared"? (A)
- > On each such machine, we sometimes have trouble ejecting the CDs, with a
- prompt indicating that "CD could not be ejected, since it is being shared."
- The answer is simple. Personal File Sharing is enabled. Any drive that is
- on the desktop while File Sharing is coming up will be treated as a
- shareable drive and thus it will not be possible to remove it. To get
- around this, don't insert the CD ROM until after Personal File Sharing has
- come up on the machine. After that, you can swap CD ROMs all day long. Of
- course, after that time, the CDs will not be shareable. Would be nice if
- you could have it both ways (shareable and removeable if not being used)
- but that's not the way it works.
- Kee Nethery
- Kee@aol.com
- ------------------------------
- Date: Fri, 1 Oct 1993 11:28:16 -0500
- From: "Vinko Tsui" <vinko@spss.com>
- Subject: CDs not ejecting -- "being shared"? [R]
- > We have a couple of CD-ROM drives on our LocalTalk network in our building
- >(an Apple CD300 and a PowerUser PRO). On each such machine, we sometimes
- >have trouble ejecting the CDs, with a prompt indicating that "CD could not
- >be ejected, since it is being shared." However, no user on the network had
- >accessed the CDs (or even the machines to which they were connected); we
- >have to shut off File Sharing in order to be able to eject the CDs.
- > Has anyone else experienced anything similar? Is this a glitch in
- >AppleShare?? Or do we have some other conflict? (we've seen the same
- >problem with each CD-ROM drive, despite their different manufacturers)
- > Thanx!
- >
- Shane,
- The problem you're experiencing is a very common problem with the Mac System
- S/W. It usually happens when you mount any removable media before File Sharing
- has finished starting up.
- The solution, as you have already discovered, is to turn off File Sharing when
- you want to eject the media and then turn File Sharing back on.
- Fortunately, there is another solution. There is a utility created by Jim
- Luther
- of Apple Computer called UnmountIt which will turn File Sharing off, unmount
- the
- media you drop on its icon and then turn File Sharing back on for you. This is
- a
- much quicker solution compare to turning File Sharing off manually. UnmountIt
- does not require rescaning of your drive.
- I believe you can find UnmountIt on Info-Mac. If not I can post it to the
- archieve.
- I hope this helps!
- -- Vinko
- -----
- Vinko Tsui Vinko Enterprises
- In Chicago: In Canada:
- [W] (312) 329-3455 [W] (416) 338-7836
- [H] (312) 464-4967
- ------------------------------
- Date: Fri, 1 Oct 93 09:53:49 PDT
- From: noah@apple.com (Noah Price)
- Subject: Centris 660AV video-IO hardware (A)
- In Info-Mac Digest V11 #193, Jean-Claude Arnouil <arnouilj@oahu.esiee.fr>
- wrote:
- > For now I have a few questions about those AV Macs video-IO hardware:
- >
- > - what are the reference of the Philips chipset used in those macs?
- > (it should be something like SAA7191/92,TDA8708/09. Am I right?)
- Yes, it's the SAA7194 (Digital Video Decoder and Scaler), SAA7191 (Digital
- Multistandard Decoder, Square pixel), and the TDA8708 (A/D; also a TDA8709
- in the 840AV only). You can get detailed specs on these in the Philips
- "Desktop Video Data Handbook."
- > - does there is a technical documentation were a could find infos
- > about designing a card for those new macs?
- You'll want the developer notes from APDA. I believe the Centris 660AV and
- Quadra 840AV are Macintosh Developer Note Number 5.
- > - at a minimum, could someone tell me the pinout of the DAVE connector.
- DAV connector info is included in the developer note.
- Noah Price <noah@apple.com>
- Macintosh AV Hardware
- (not the opinions of) Apple Computer, Inc.
- ------------------------------
- Date: Fri, 1 Oct 93 09:38:23 EDT
- From: tdk94@RAM.SUNY.GENESEO.EDU (Thomas Killian)
- Subject: Centris 660av Virtual Memory Problem
- I purchased a Centris 660av last week. It is probably the greatest machine
- that I have ever used straight out of the box. All of the software that
- Apple has included really works and the DSP options make it a true bargin
- My only problem with it is that when I turn on virtual memory, it goes
- crazy, and then it freezes up. I have to boot off the CD ROM and turn off
- the virtual memory, and then reboot and it is fine. Any ideas or anyone
- else have problems with virtual memory on their av model Mac?? Any clues
- or pointers would be of great help.
- Thanks in Advance,
- Tom Killian
- tdk94@uno.cc.geneseo.edu
- ------------------------------
- Date: Fri, 1 Oct 93 13:26:10 CDT
- From: jemian@tmnxt1.iit.edu (Pete Jemian)
- Subject: DeskWriter paper (A)
- A really good paper is Weyerhauser "First Choice" which
- is available in US letter and US legal cuts and envelopes.
- It may even be available in those *other* (flames, please)
- cuts that are used outside of this country. It seems to have
- the least bleeding of any standard paper. Costs about
- US$8 / 500 sheets.
- Special note: If you want really super-duper precise printing,
- then print on tracing paper. Output looks better than that from
- 300 dpi lasers. Be sure to let it dry *thoroughly*.
- On second thought, save the trees and just don't print at all.
- -- Pete Jemian
- ------------------------------
- Date: Fri, 01 Oct 93 10:15:32 EDT
- From: "Allan M. Bloom" <IRBLOOM@VTVM1.CC.VT.EDU>
- Subject: Ejecting shared CD
- On Thu, 30 Sep, Shane Deichman wrote:
- >We have a couple of CD-ROM drives on our LocalTalk network in our building
- >(an Apple CD300 and a PowerUser PRO). On each such machine, we sometimes
- >have trouble ejecting the CDs, with a prompt indicating that "CD could not
- >be ejected, since it is being shared." However, no user on the network had
- >accessed the CDs (or even the machines to which they were connected); we
- >have to shut off File Sharing in order to be able to eject the CDs.
- It's not a bug, Shane. It's a feature. If any kind of removeable (not
- just a CD ROM) is loaded when file sharing starts up, it is held tight
- to Sharing's bosom. Two fixes:
- 1. Wait until file sharing has starterd up before inserting the disc.
- 2. Get a copy of UnMountIt, part of the fsid (File Sharing Improvement
- Doohickies) from Apple. It's at ftp.apple.com, dealers, user groups.
- Just drop the disc's icon onto UnMountIt. It turns off sharing,
- unmounts the disc, and turns sharing back on. Slick.
- Al Bloom, Virginia Tech
- ------------------------------
- Date: 01 Oct 93 13:38 GMT
- From: PCHANE@AppleLink.Apple.COM (U of Wisconsin, P Chane,STU)
- Subject: GeoPort a Mixed Bag
- Anyone else having probs with their GeoPort? America Online doesn't connect
- and if a comm. program crashes, it leave the port open which really screws up
- my Mac.
- ------------------------------
- Date: Fri, 01 Oct 1993 14:35:51 EDT
- From: "Thomas L. Francavilla" <francavilla@anvil.nrl.navy.mil>
- Subject: Getting on the internet.
- I have a friend who works for an insurance company who is very computer
- literate. He wanted to know how a commercial company could get on the
- internet. I couldn't answer his question. Is there someone who could
- help me with the answer. Thanks in advance. Tom Francavilla
- ------------------------------
- Date: Fri, 1 Oct 1993 18:46:04 +0200 (IST)
- From: Michel Lewinger <mlewin@bgumail.bgu.ac.il>
- Subject: HP LW8.0 versus 4.0
- After buying the HP Laserjet 4m, and installing the original driver (ver.
- 4.0, if i'm not wrong), I have come across the HP laserjet 8.0 driver in
- sumex, which has proven to be 1.5 to 6 times faster depending on the size
- and font richness of the document to-be printed. I want to know whether
- other users of the LJ4m have also experienced this, or if I'm the only
- paleozoic creature who has ever used the original installation driver
- provided with the soft disks.
- Other question: I can't download fonts to the HP from my fonts folder,
- using the HP4m utility program also from sumex. Either truetype or bit
- (uch!) mapped. I know BM foonts are not the case. Does the utility only
- download PS fonts ?
- Thanx
- Michel
- mlewin@bgumail.bgu.ac.il
- ------------------------------
- Date: 01 Oct 93 09:24:00 EDT
- From: Jim Bethin <72233.2261@CompuServe.COM>
- Subject: LaserWiter 8.1 driver
- Has anyone seen a LW 8.1 release? I saw something about this somewhere (I've
- forgotten where) and I was wondering if this was a misprint!
- Please e-mail me in addition to responding to info-mac.
- Thanks!
- Jim Bethin
- 72233.2261@compuserve.com
- jimb15@aol.com
- Arkay Packaging Corp.
- ------------------------------
- Date: Fri, 1 Oct 93 17:35:10 CDT
- From: jaf@dworkin.wustl.edu (Andy Fingerhut)
- Subject: Looking for "elementary school hand printing" font for Macintosh
- I'm looking for a roman sans-serif font that looks as much like the
- printed letters that are taught to elementary school students in the
- United States as possible. I would prefer a format usable on the
- Macintosh, meaning Truetype (however that should be capitalized),
- Postscript type 1 or 3, or Macintosh bitmaps (as long as they look good
- in 18 and 36 point sizes, and preferably more sizes).
- The font that I have seen which most closely resembles what I want is
- Avant Garde on the Macintosh, except that f, j, and r don't have
- complete "hooks", and the q has no hook. I would prefer if g,j,p,q, and
- y descended further below the baseline, and that all "half-height"
- letters were actually half as high as full height letters. a should
- look like a circle with a vertical line to its right, and g should look
- like a circle and a vertical line descending to a complete hook.
- The lower case letters are the most important, but while I'm asking, it
- would be nice if the capital letters were good, too. Again, Avant Garde
- on the Macintosh is close, but it would be nice if capital I had the top
- and bottom horizontal bars on it, and Q had a straight diagonal slash
- through the oval or circle.
- Anyone have a font like this in any format? My wife is an elementary
- school teacher, and we would like to be able to print words for her
- students to read or write on a laser printer.
- Thanks
- P.S. I have also sent this request to the Usenet news group comp.fonts,
- so don't bother posting there to ask this question.
- Andy Fingerhut
- jaf@cs.wustl.edu
- Washington University, St. Louis MO
- ------------------------------
- Date: Fri, 1 Oct 1993 16:06:04 -0700 (PDT)
- From: mychael@mailhost.cs.pdx.edu (Mychael D Mai)
- Subject: Looking for Appletalk message sender/receiver
- Hello, Im looking for a free/shareware program or something else that will
- allow
- two people on an appletalk network send messages. I would like something that
- is 'real' time, and not just mail messages. Please mail me if something like
- this exists.
- Our boss can hear us talking about work/him through the wall, and we would
- like another way to communicate. Sign language is out since we have glass
- walls.
- Thanks in advance!
- mychael (mychael@rigel.cs.pdx.edu)
- ------------------------------
- Date: 1 Oct 1993 10:00:33 U
- From: "James Smart" <James.Smart@med.umich.edu>
- Subject: Mac 128K is sick (Q)
- Subject: Time:10:14 AM
- OFFICE MEMO Mac 128K is sick (Q) Date:9/29/93
- Mac 128K is sick (Q)
- I have a OLD MAC 128k that was upgraded to a 4 meg MAC + using Mac Rescue.
- It
- has purred along for a couple of years in this mode (even using sys 7!) and
- about a week ago came up with the infamous sad mac and an error code of
- 030001.
- Refering to the "sad mac" list it suggested a bad simm. I replace the simms
- but same message. The I remove the Mac Rescue (and replace the ROMs with the
- old 64k ROMs) and this time got the error message 04001. This suggests that
- RAM chip in position F5 is suspect. Checking in while in the circuit (for
- continuity) it seemed ok....but on removal it showed one bad gate(?). So I
- replaced it. The replacement I used was numbered "4164" @ 120 nsec. The
- chip
- I removed was numbered 4264 and I think was a 150 nsec chip. Now there is no
- sad mac ... only alternating, wiggley black and white vertical lines on the
- screen..
- Can anyone save a several hours of circuit tracing on thiis one???
- Jim Smart
- Jim_Smart@um.cc.umich.edu
- ------------------------------
- Date: Sat, 02 Oct 1993 10:48:52 -0500 (CDT)
- From: "William M. Porter" <WMPORTER@Jetson.UH.EDU>
- Subject: modem disconnect problems (Q)
- I recently purchased as US Robotics 14.4K bps modem with more compression
- & error-correction protocols than you can shake a stick at. It's
- funky-looking, but came highly recommended (4 stars from MacWorld, and
- some personal recommendations as well) and basically seems to work very
- well.
- But I am having one problem I can't seem to solve. If I log into Sumex,
- and go to the Applications directory, after I type "ls" to see the list
- of files, the list starts coming at me fast & furious, but within a
- second or so, I hear a click from my modem and the "CD" light goes out:
- I've been disconnected. (It takes several more seconds for the list to
- stop scrolling by on my screen, I guess because my Mac's memory buffer
- has so much stored away.) This does NOT happen if I ask for the file-list
- of a directory that is less loaded than Applications, so I assume that
- my problem has something to do with flow-control, buffers, and other
- things I don't understand very well.
- In comp.sys.mac.comm on Usenet, somebody else with a USR modem who was
- experiencing this same problem was told to add "&d0" to the modem's
- initialization string. However, I have tried this without success. I have
- pored over the user's guide that came with the modem, but I can't see
- anything that looks like it applies.
- In case it matters: The modem has v.42 & v.42bis, MNP 2-5, v.32bis, &c.
- Hardware flow-control cable (or so they claim). Mac LC II with 8Mb RAM,
- running System 7.1.1 (tuned-up). Using Microphone Pro telecom software.
- Could anybody suggest anything? Is there a software solution? Could it
- have anything to do with the dip-switch settings (which I have not moved
- >From the defaults)? TIA.
- Will Porter / University of Houston
- ------------------------------
- Date: Fri, 1 Oct 1993 11:42:20 -0700
- From: tonyh@msc.cornell.edu (Tony Huang)
- Subject: Modems waking up Macs-possible (A)
- >Date: Thu, 30 Sep 93 00:51:31 EDT
- >From: Pete Tamas <GNOME%TEMPLEVM.BITNET@Forsythe.Stanford.EDU>
- >Subject: Modems waking up Macs-possible?
- >
- >I remember when the Mac II was first introduced, there was speculation
- >that modems will appear which turn on a Mac II when an incoming call
- >occurs. Did this ever materialize? I know someone who could use this
- >feature. Thanks, Pete Tamas
- >Gnome@VM.Temple.edu or TempleVM.bitnet
- Such devices have been around for a long time. The cheapest one is
- PowerKeys Remote (about $35 from Sophisticated Circuits). You would also
- need a fax/data/phone switch if you don't have a dedicated line. Another
- good device (which is discontinued) is called Ringo, which has built-in
- fax/phone switching capability.
- Tony Huang
- tonyh@msc.cornell.edu
- ------------------------------
- Date: 2 Oct 1993 14:32:03 GMT
- From: kcueto@cse.unl.edu (kevin cueto)
- Subject: Opinions on Software Study aids for the S.A.T.?
- Does anybody have any opinions on any of the commercail study guides for the
- SAT? Are there any Shareware study guides available?
- Please send E-mail, or Post...
- Thanks for any info in advance :-)
- --
- |Kevin Cueto Internet: kcueto@cse.unl.edu |
- |Computer Engineering University of Nebraska-Lincoln |
- ------------------------------
- Date: Fri, 1 Oct 93 09:56:26 PDT
- From: hallett@keanemw.mixcom.com (Jeffrey A. Hallett)
- Subject: Pagemaker 4.2
- Anyone know how to generate automatic continuation notices in Pagemaker
- 4.2? I'm referring to the markers that appear in articles which are split
- across pages; at the bottom of the first section it says "Continued on page
- n" and in the next section, at the top, it says "'Story' continued from
- page m". Can't find it in the manual and I'm not a Pagemaker guru by
- any means.
- Thanks in advance.
- Jeffrey A. Hallett, Keane, Inc. hallett@keanemw.mixcom.com
- ------------------------------
- Date: Fri, 1 Oct 1993 19:56:00 -0500 (CDT)
- From: Michael Salmons <msalmons@bigcat.missouri.edu>
- Subject: Performa, comm progs
- Hello everyone...
- I am a recent Mac purchaser (a Performa 450). I have no problem using a PC
- for file transfers, but I can't seem to do it with the program bundled
- with my Mac (Clarisworks comm module). Would some be so kind as to share
- what file transfer settings to use to successfully get graphics and
- software? Unfortunately there is no "Kermit" protocol setting in this
- program- just "MacTerminal," "MacBinary," Xmodem, and Xmodem text. Any
- clues? Should I just get a copy a Mackermit (which, of course I couldn't
- successfully download anyway I suppose :( ). If so, which version? I know
- I have a lot of questions but I've been racking my brain for a month now
- with no success.
- Any help appreciated!
- Michael Salmons
- ------------------------------
- Date: Fri, 1 Oct 1993 17:46:12 +0000
- From: Fearghas McKay <fearghas@challis.demon.co.uk>
- Subject: Powering on your Mac remotely
- Does any one know if these products will work with other voltages ie 240/220
- V.
- Thanks
- Fearghas
- >
- >-PowerKey: Gives you complete control over your Mac system's powere use.
- >Set the times when your system turns on in the morning and turns off at
- >night. Direct your Mac to turn on in the middle of the night and perform
- >back-ups, long print jobs, or other tasks. Also enables the keyboard ON
- >key in Classic, LC, SE...NOT Plus. $75
- >
- >-PowerKey Remote: Turn on your Mac from anywhere in the world with a simple
- >phone call. Then, use your remote computer and access software to transfer
- >files, read email, etc. $32
- >
- >Look in MacWorld January 1993 for a RemoteAccess article that talks briefly
- >about these products. Review of PowerKey in MacWorld December 1992 (4
- >stars, only con was that you can't turn on the Plus).
- >
- >
- >-Matt X. Herbison :) -Penn State University
- >-mxh160@psu.edu
- >
- >------------------------------
- ------------------------------
- Date: 01 Oct 93 13:38 GMT
- From: PCHANE@AppleLink.Apple.COM (U of Wisconsin, P Chane,STU)
- Subject: Sound WANTED
- Sound WANTED:
- If someone can do it, I (and every other ftp addict) would appreciate someone
- getting the THX "The World is Listening" thing that comes before movies that
- use THX sound. SND or QuickTime format.
- Thanks.
- ------------------------------
- Date: Fri, 01 Oct 93 10:46:32 PDT
- From: Paul Brians <BRIANS@WSUVM1.CSC.WSU.EDU>
- Subject: Teaching Materials for Molecular Biology Available?
- A colleague is looking for Mac-based teaching materials for a course
- in molecular biology. Anybody know of anything good?
- Paul Brians, Washington State University, Pullman, WA 99164-5020
- ------------------------------
- Date: Fri, 01 Oct 93 10:46:32 PDT
- From: Paul Brians <BRIANS@WSUVM1.CSC.WSU.EDU>
- Subject: Teaching Materials for Molecular Biology Available?
- A colleague is looking for Mac-based teaching materials for a course
- in molecular biology. Anybody know of anything good?
- Paul Brians, Washington State University, Pullman, WA 99164-5020
- ------------------------------
- Date: Fri, 1 Oct 93 06:20:42 PDT
- From: jbthoo@ucdavis.edu (John Thoo)
- Subject: Util to disable AfterDark while Zterm is running (C)
- On 28 Sep 1993 Lisa Richardson <priss@tcp.com> wrote:
- > >I'm looking for a util to disable AfterDark or any screen saver while I'm
- > >downloading, but to not completely turn it off. Any help?
- >
- > You do not need a utility to disable AfterDark if you use the sleep/No-Sleep
- > cor
- > ners option.
- Alternatively, activating System IQ (from the control panel's When button)
- keeps AD from kicking in during a download/upload.
- --John.
- J. B. THOO, Math Dept, Univ of California, Davis <jb2@math.ucdavis.edu>
- ------------------------------
- Date: Fri, 1 Oct 93 09:55:35 PDT
- From: hallett@keanemw.mixcom.com (Jeffrey A. Hallett)
- Subject: Voyager
- Last I knew, Carina Software made a "planetarium" software package called
- "Voyager". I've tried to reach them to get an update, but cannot seem
- to locate their phone number.
- Can anyone provide their current phone and/or address? Hope they aren't
- defunct - I'd like to get the color version of Voyager (Voyager II).
- Thanks
- Jeffrey Hallett, Keane, Inc. hallett@keanemw.mixcom.com
- ------------------------------
- Date: Fri, 1 Oct 1993 12:20:21 +0000
- From: Elliot Bennett <Elliot.Bennett@europa.rs.kp.dlr.de>
- Subject: VT 240 Emulator Anyone?
- Hi Net!
- I'm looking for a VT 240 (color) emulator which works with TCP/IP for the
- Mac.
- I like Versaterm, but as far as I know it can't do VT240.
- I know White Pines makes a 240 emulator, but I was SERIOUSLY unimpressed with
- their software (when last I saw it) and even LESS impressed with their upgrade
- policy.
- Price is far less important than user-friendliness and reliability (not
- necessarily in that order :-). Also, it should be capable of generating
- macros.
- Thanks in Advance,
- Elliot Bennett
- DLR, Cologne, Germany
- elliot@europa.rs.kp.dlr.de
- ------------------------------
- End of Info-Mac Digest
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